DPro Training in Imo State

A five-day training was organized for Caritas staff in Imo state, to strengthen their capacity in project management through systematic training and accompaniment.
Capacity Building Workshop on Resource Mobilization for Jos and Abuja Provinces 2022

As part of the activities to strengthen resource mobilization at the diocesan level, a 3-day workshop on result mobilization was facilitated in Jos from May 17th – 20th 2022.
Development of 5-year Strategic Plan
Following the expiration of Caritas Nigeria’s first strategic plan in 2020, it became imperative for another strategy to be developed.
Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop on Safeguarding and Prevention of Sexual Exploitation & Abuse for Focal Persons 2023

The management of Caritas Nigeria is deeply committed to the personal and professional growth of its staff through effective personal development and institutional capacity-strengthening activities.
DPro Training in Yola
Following an organizational assessment conducted among Caritas staff in the northeast and its partners in 2022, several gaps were discovered in their project identification, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation (M&E) and closure capabilities.