
Provision of Livelihood Assistance to Vulnerable Persons


 To cushion the impact of irregular migration in Nigeria and aid the socio-economic integration of migrants and internally displaced persons, Caritas Nigeria, with the support of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, reached out to forty (40) displaced women at the Malaysian Garden settlement camp in Abuja on August 14, 2022.

Prior, the beneficiaries had been empowered with soap-making and bead-making skills to assist them in attaining self-sustainability. The beneficiaries received requisite start-up tools to support their business plans. Besides a cash support of 10,000 NGN for each, 20 persons received soap-making tools, while another 20 received kits for bead-making.

Likewise, under the Stable, Trained and Empowered Migrant (STEM) project funded by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Caritas Nigeria provided additional economic support to 100 returnee migrants and vulnerable persons in Benin City, who were earlier trained and set up in 2021 in various skill areas like tailoring, hairdressing, barbing, makeup, poultry-farming, and fish-farming.

After the initial livelihood assistance in 2021, the persons of concern were selected for the second-level empowerment in the previous quarter following their impressive commitment and output, as observed by our team in the region during an assessment visit to their business places.


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