
Enhancing Child Nutrition and Well-being through Soya Plus Production


Recently, in Orlu local government area of Imo State, where we implement the OVC program under the Accelerated Control of HIV Epidemic and Sustainability Solutions (ACCESS) Project in partnership with the Justice Development and Peace Commission (JDPC) of Orlu Diocese, over 30 OVC caregivers and case managers were trained in soya plus production – a highly nutritious supplement that prevents malnutrition in children and aids their overall well-being.
In addition to contributing to improved nutrition and food security for the children, the capacity-building exercise also empowered the caregivers and case managers with sustainable livelihood skills that would lead to economic self-sufficiency.
Children and adolescents face significant risks and vulnerabilities as a result of HIV/AIDS. Caritas Nigeria‘s Orphans and Vulnerable Children’s (OVC) program funded by The U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through CDC thus, caters to the health, psychological, and socioeconomic needs of children living with or affected by HIV, along with their households.


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