


Today,  I write to thank God who brought all of us together at the beginning of this new year, at Abuja, the HQ of our Organization for our usual annual Staff Retreat and Get-together.

That event was an enormous success. We thank all of you who made it the success it was. The events of the Retreat and the Get-together has fortified us with grace and strength for the work ahead in the new fiscal year. We urge each and every one of us to brace up for the task that awaits all of us.

As the day breaks and the time ticks, we continue to look to the future with great optimism. Our team for the Proposal writings has been sent-forth for the task that would translate for us serious engagement. We are hopeful that their enterprise would yield us unbroken-services and continued relationship with our major funders and collaborators. Let us backstop them in the gap and ask that, that unseen but available hand would continue to shape and direct our destines aright.

One obvious sign of our being fortified at the beginning of this year, would be the willingness to do our work well. For those in the 4GATES program, for instance, you know that we are in the last lap of the game, and much is being expected of us.  We cannot afford to wane in our commitments and zeal. And for others, the message of hard and smart work is no less urgent and persuasive.


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