A two-day Best Agricultural Practices (BAP) training for extension Officers under the Caritas Nigeria UNHCR Livelihoods project, which took place in March 2020, has yielded amazing dividends less than six months afterwards.
The training which took place between 4th and 5th March, had in attendance a total of 35 Extension Officers who stepped down the knowledge gained to 700 Persons of Concern (PoCs) comprising of refugees, IDPs and returnee IDPs in the host communities. Of this number, about 70% were women while 30% were men registered from the UNHCR vulnerability screening list.

Key knowledge gains from the training were the formulation and use of Organic Liquid Natural Fertilizer and the creation of natural insecticide from plant-based materials. The formula for the Organic fertilizer comprises of 3 measures of wet Cow dungs and 1 measure of poultry Droppings Mixed with 1 measure of ashes in 20-litre Bucket. When this is applied to the farm, it enables proper growth and development of the plant with amazing results. The insecticide is made from a combination of pepper, neem seed and leaves mixed with four heads of garlic which is very effective in in controlling pests and diseases from the crops.
Less than six months after the training, amazing results have started pouring in from numerous beneficiary communities.

One of such beneficiaries is Alhaji Hamisu Yawale, age 55 in Wuro Bulde Mubi North. During a visit on August 3, 2020 by the UNHCR team in Mubi, he happily demonstrated the magic effect of the application of organic fertilizer and the natural insecticide on his crops.
According to him, he is happily Expecting not less than 20 bags from the 10 kg of maize seedling he received from the Caritas Nigeria UNCHR Livelihood Project.