


  1. In so many life circumstances and fora we have come to understand that one of the best ways to enjoy life is to share with others what we have.
    We can share with others, our time, our treasures, and our talents.  Especially in the areas of marriage for instance, we share our lives with the other. And this other, we did not know from Adam. We met him or her sometime and somewhere and we have fallen for each other. When this encounter meets the standards, we discover it is like paradise on earth. In fact, to know the other and to be part and parcel of the other in the intimacy of the others being, in the sacred space of life is to be the significant other in the life of the other. In this process, life is at its peak if we have made the right choice. Sharing one’s life and letting people into one’s space is an awesome experience in trust and mutual self-giving.
  1. Besides sharing at that intimate level, and sharing with others our material possessions, I would like us to think of other aspects of sharing with others, of things that belong to us.  Have we ever sat down to think of the volume of human resources, talents, and treasures that are often buried and forgotten because we were unable to share such a profound value with others?  Look at our graveyards. Is it not the richest part of our society? Can we imagine the volume of information, one is buried with, the knowledge that are untransferable?, the titles, the status, and sometimes even possessions we did not tell anybody about? What a vanity? What a waste?
  1. In trying to hide information and access to the immediate family, for instance, a man kept his precious documents, of his property in the high brow area of one of our cities, with a friend with an instruction never to share the information with any member of his own immediate family. But luck ran out of them. The guy who had the property died suddenly of heart attack. His friend was devasted with the news. Little did he know that he too would follow suit. He was alone in the house, unknown to him that the gas cylinder in the kitchen was leaking. On his attempt to boil water on the gas cooker, the whole place got in flames. Confused and unable to find his exit door out of the kitchen, the man was burnt to ashes and along with the entire edifice. What a life calamity? His life and the life of the documents of the friend were lost in one instant. What a vanity? Now, the family of the friend who would have inherited the property of their father are today wallowing in need and misery. The family of the friend who had the document has lost everything they possessed in a twinkle of an eye. Yet the property of whose documents were burnt, remains vegetating and being wasted, with no one with valid information and access. What a classical example of trust-deficit in a married context?
  1. More specifically, to ourselves, what are we doing with the knowledge we have acquired over the years? What are we doing with the experiences of life we have made and are unwilling to share with others? When shall we be ready to let people share in the wealth of our ideas and skills? Are you afraid that others would outsmart you when you share? Do you not know that nobody can ever take away from you, all that you know? Do you know, that the more you share with others, the more enhanced you become? Do you not know that you can expand the horizon of knowledge by sharing the knowledge you have acquired? Do you know that your current knowledge about a particular thing would sooner than later become obsolete and moribund in the face of a more ever evolving technological breakthroughs?
  1. Finally, kindly let us share the knowledge of the work we are doing with one another. It would never dimmish you, rather you would be the master. Knowledge by its nature does not expand until it is shared. It empowers the one who shares and the other who is allowed to benefit therefrom. Let us remember that we do not have all the time in the world to share our resources.  Our times are grossly limited. Kindly allow the world to pip into your knowledge treasury and you would have contributed your quota to that great ocean of knowledge and information that makes the world a little village comprising of men and women who are related and are intricately united in a web of intimate interconnectedness of knowledge and information.


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