


Beloved Friends and Colleagues

  1. Today the entire Catholic world celebrates the Feast of the Pentecost, the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles after Jesus’ resurrection and ascension to the Father. It is the feast of that Spirit that is in us, to re-create in us that newness of life and love. It is that Spirit of love that binds us together as members of God’s own family. It is that Spirit that enables us to call God, father and become shepherds of one another.
  1. The Spirit that descended on the Apostles thousands of years ago, continues to make its home afresh in us today, to renew our lives and our world. We would be unable to bear the required fruits,  fruits that gives life and love, if we do not pay attention to the unction of that Spirit. We would indeed, be unable to re-new the face of the earth and impact on our contexts if the Spirit of renewal is absent in us.
  1. But how shall we be re-newed in the Spirit?
  1. We would not like to undertake any excurses in Spiritual Theology in this Digest. Rather, we would like to draw your attention to the impact of renewal in our lives and work. In the first place, ‘re-newal is that act or process of renewing, the quality or state of being renewed, the act of becoming new again. Some common synonyms of renewal are refresh, rejuvenate, renovate, and restore’.
  1. The Spirit makes us new again. It gives us new energy and new perspectives. We are encouraged to dare and to achieve that task we had always felt impossible. Renewed energy and strength are the immediate outcome of the presence of that Spirit in us.
  1. In the daily discharge of our duties, we are expected to submit to that Spirt that allows us strength, that does not allow us be intimidated or discouraged. It is always by our side to motivate us to new ideas and practices.  Even when we are emotionally stressed out and down,  the Spirit comes to us, in ways and manner we do not know, to renew us in good plans and purposes. In that way, we receive renewed insights and grace to our great surprise and utter amazement. Let us remain re-newed!


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