
SILC training promotes 11 leaders in Mubi


Caritas Nigeria project team on the Norwegian MFA project conducted in September a SILC (Saving and Internal Lending Communities) training for beneficiaries and upgraded a total of 11 SILC supervisors and field agents(FA) to the status of Private Service Providers (PSP).

Beneficiaries were drawn from Askira Uba and Biu LGAs in Borno State and also Mubi South, Mubi North, Michika and Madagali LGAs in Adamawa State participated in the three-day training.

SILC is a component of the Norwegian MFA Strategic Partnership project that seeks to empower households with the capacity to save and access funds for sustaining their means of livelihood. It is also a means for social cohesion within the community.  Over the last 6 months, several pieces of training have been carried out leading to the formation of 40 new SILC groups across communities in Adamawa and Bornu States. The PSP training is a sustainability measure aimed at ensuring that SILC activities continue even after the close of the project.


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