
Capacity-Building Training for Community ART Testers in Imo State


Our team in Imo state recently organized a 6-day training for 93 community ART testers from different Caritas Nigeria-supported HIV service delivery facilities across the state.
The training specifically aimed to sharpen the capacities of Mobile Clinical Teams comprising ART Nurses, Lay Adherence counselors, Viral Load Champions, and Strategic Information Assistants, who serve the clients at the facility level, as well as Case Management Teams, and scout for clustered clients and provide basic care services, like the Patient Biometric System (PBS), testing for newly identified positives and viral load sample collection.
Following the capacity-building exercise, the community health workers, who function under the supervision of the Caritas Nigeria team implementing the Accelerated Control of HIV Epidemic and Sustainability Solutions (ACCESS) project in Imo state, are expected to continually provide targeted community HIV testing services, prompt enrolment, client-tracking, and follow-up in their respective duty stations.


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