
CSN Year-End Closure: A Joyful Thanksgiving Mass Kicks Off Christmas Festivities


Ahead of Christmas festivities, on the 15th of  December 2023, the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria (CSN) closed officially for the year. The end-of-year activities, which reflected the spirit of the season, commenced with a Thanksgiving Mass presided over by Fr. Zacharia Samjumi, the Secretary General of the CSN, and celebrated for staff of all the agencies of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN).
The Mass provided a spiritual foundation for the day’s festivities, allowing staff to come together in prayer to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.
The liturgical celebration transitioned to a holiday feast, which brought together our staff working at the CSN – headquarters of Caritas Nigeria – and employees of our sister agencies of the CBCN. Sharing a meal in a relaxed setting that evoked the spirit of Christmas undoubtedly fostered a sense of community and helped workers build stronger bonds and share personal reflections on the year. Individual and group music presentations by the CSN priests and religious, guest artists, and the CSN choir, games, and dance competitions contributed to the joyful ambiance that was enjoyed by all.


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