In a bid to combat tuberculosis among adults and children, Caritas Nigeria, in collaboration with the Abia State Ministry of Health through the support of Ihv Nigeria, has initiated a life-saving program called the “Tuberculosis Testing Week”. The event occurred at the Lokpa Cattle Market in Lukwesi, within the Umunneochi Local Government Area of Abia State.
Over 400 households participated in the initiative, with families bringing their children to take advantage of the free testing services. The comprehensive testing conducted by the health teams aimed to promptly identify and treat tuberculosis cases, thereby preventing the spread of the disease. The initiative also raised awareness about the symptoms, prevention, and treatment of tuberculosis.
The program is a beacon of hope, bringing much-needed medical services to the community. By focusing on early detection and treatment, Caritas Nigeria and the Abia State Ministry of Health are making significant strides in the fight against tuberculosis, particularly in vulnerable communities.

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