F.A.I.T.H Project’s Innovative Mother Love Party by Caritas Nigeria Boosts Pediatric HIV Testing and Treatment Uptake

Regional Planning and Peer Review Session: Strengthening Faith-based Approach to HIV+ Children Treatment

Taking a Stand for HIV Prevention: Women in Imo State Step Forward

FAITH Project

FAITH is the acronym for Faith-based Approach to Increase Identification and Treatment of HIV children. The FAITH project is a transition or continuation of the UNAIDS/CI-funded GRAIL project which Caritas Nigeria implemented over the last 5 years. It is anchored on using the mechanism of faith to increase pediatric HIV case-finding with a significant exploration of the intersection between PMTCT and pediatric HIV. Background According to UNAIDS, only half (52%) of children living with HIV are on life-saving treatment. This situation is even more complex in African countries where the demand for HIV services is low due to the difficulty in accessing healthcare facilities. Goal Like its forerunner, the FAITH project aims to increase the demand for pediatric HIV services but in this case, in three African countries namely Nigeria, Cote d’Ivoire, and Congo DRC. It will achieve this by focusing on three pillars: Awareness raising to fight stigma and discrimination Prevention (Mother-to-child transmission) Screening, care, and linkage to treatment As already established, religious leaders, who play the role in finding children potentially living with HIV and in reducing HIV stigma, will remain the driving force behind this project. In addition, this project will build on the previously created infrastructure linking religious leaders to the community and to health facilities. Project Location In Nigeria, Caritas Nigeria will work in the 3 states of Abia, Enug,u, and Imo, in partnership with Elizabeth Glaser Pediatrics AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) Project strategy The one-year project which runs from Sep 2022 to October 2023 is strategically aligned with Caritas Nigeria’s ongoing PEPFAR project (ACCESS), the aim being to ensure integrated program implementation and a well-defined accountability system.
GRAIL Project

Galvanizing Religious Leaders for Accelerated Identification & Linkage to Pediatric ART (GRAIL) Project is a Congregational-based approach to promoting Early Diagnosis and Treatment for Children Living with HIV/AIDS through the training of Religious Leaders in Nigeria. Historical Background After the diagnosis of the first two cases of HIV in Nigeria in 1986 Nigeria maintained a consistent position as the second biggest contributor to the global HIV burden, attracting massive investments into the delivery of HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment services. However, these strategies primarily focused on adults, and where children were recognized to be under-diagnosed and under-treated, the frequent response was to scale up PMTCT services. The Vatican and Caritas Nigeria have been promoting a global response to address Pediatric HIV with a special focus on Nigeria which contributes over 12% of the global pediatric HIV burden with only 21% of the estimated population of children living with HIV (CLHIV) actually receiving life-preserving HIV anti-retroviral therapy (ART). The Nigeria Working Group at the Regional Consultation on Early Diagnosis and Treatment for Children Living with HIV or CLHIV (which took place in Nigeria from the 14th to 16th of June, 2017) adopted several country-level strategies on engaging Faith-based Organizations (FBOs) to address pediatric HIV/AIDS. One of the key resolutions was to strengthen the capacity of religious leaders to use their moral and social influence on their congregations to counter the myths related to HIV and HIV-related stigma and discrimination and, where possible, deploy them as instruments in closing the gaps in community-based testing and treatment of children who are HIV positive but yet to commence treatment. Congregational ApproachThe GRAIL project was a conceptual progression of the successful implementation of the Congregational Approach to Baby Shower framework where Caritas Nigeria (the developmental agency of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria) successfully used religious leaders to increase coverage of antenatal care (ANC) for pregnant women and their partners, including the delivery of prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV services in faith congregations to women who would otherwise have not gone clinics and hospitals for orthodox obstetric care With support from the Joint United Nations program on AIDS (UNAIDS) and the Presidential Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Caritas Nigeria (the developmental agency of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria) and Caritas Internationalis designed and successfully used religious leaders to increase knowledge about HIV transmission and correct myths that propagated HIV stigma. Trained clergy could also identify recurrently sick children and ensure that they completed a referral for medical review (including an HIV test) to increase access to early diagnosis and treatment of Children Living with HIV (CLHIV). GRAIL was implemented in phases since 2018. The first phase (GRAIL I) was implemented in April 2018 for 12 months with an additional no-cost extension in 2019.
GRAIL Outreach in Karu, Abuja

Caritas Nigeria team under the GRAIL Project on Saturday 10th September 2022 carried out a medical outreach for children under fourteen years of age at St Mary’s Catholic Church, Karu, Abuja.
Ahiazu community in Mbaise benefit from free medical outreach

Caritas Nigeria Team on the GRAIL project in Imo State conducted a free medical outreach for the Ahiazu community in Mbaise from 7th to 9th August 2022. The exercise…